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dc.contributor.authorFlores-Aguilar, Paula
dc.contributor.authorCárdenas-Neira, Camila
dc.contributor.authorUlloa, Luis Cárcamo
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims to characterize the curricular insertion of GigaPan Web 2.0 in a primary school of Valdivia, Chile, with the purpose of developing socio-communicative competences. Methodologically, to systematize this case study, quantitative and qualitative data were found. On one hand, pre and post tests were applied to assess the progress and difficulties in scriptural competences command and, on the other hand, conversation groups were performed with students to think over metacognitive and motivational aspects present in educational innovation. The main results suggest that the scriptural progress is better expressed in commands such as Textual Coherence (14%) and Content Originality (17%) and the major difficulties are present in relevant ideas emphasis (3%) and Textual Cohesion (7%). About TIC implementation, conversation groups showed a positive disposition to mediation supported by social web and collaborative work.
dc.relation.ispartofSciELO Portugal
dc.rightsDerechos reservados
dc.sourceObservatorio (OBS*), 9(1):77-100
dc.titleWeb Social y desarrollo de competencias socio-comunicativas: El caso de una escuela pública en Chile
dcterms.bibliographicCitationFlores-Aguilar, Paula; Cárdenas-Neira, Camila y Ulloa, Luis Cárcamo (2015). Web Social y desarrollo de competencias socio-comunicativas: El caso de una escuela pública en Chile.Observatorio (OBS*), 9(1):77-100. Disponible en: http://www.scielo.mec.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1646-59542015000100005&lang=pt
dc.subject.keywordsCompetencias socio-comunicativas
dc.subject.keywordsTrabajo Colaborativo
dc.subject.keywordsWeb 2.0
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos científicos y académicos

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